Index of Hymns by Languages
1. Ordo Missae (Latin) |
001 |
7 |
Order of Mass |
002 |
12 |
3. Ordinario de la Misa |
003 |
17 |
Liturgical (Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Paleoslavic)
Alleluia (Taizé) |
135 |
27 |
Alleluia (Paschalis) |
132 |
27 |
Alleluia (Resucitó) |
138 |
28 |
Alleluia (Segne, Vater) |
137 |
28 |
Amen (Canon) |
172 |
33 |
Amen (Solemnis) |
171 |
33 |
Kyrie (De Angelis) |
101 |
22 |
Kyrie (Simplex) |
102 |
22 |
Kyrie (Taizé, 1) |
103 |
22 |
Kyrie (Taizé, 2) |
104 |
22 |
Kyrie (Taizé, 3) |
105 |
23 |
(Ancient) |
106 |
23 |
Kyrie (Eastern) – Hospody |
107 |
23 |
Latin Chants
1. Adveniat regnum tuum |
141 |
28 |
2. Agnus
(De Angelis) |
182 |
34 |
3. Agnus Dei (Simplex) |
181 |
34 |
4. Agnus Dei (Taizé) |
183 |
34 |
5. Alleluia (Gregorian) |
131 |
27 |
6. Alleluia (Simplex) |
136 |
28 |
7. Alma Redemptoris Mater |
603 |
68 |
8. Amen (Exaudi nos) |
143 |
29 |
9. Ave, Maria (Gregorian) |
606 |
70 |
10. Ave, Maris Stella |
607 |
70 |
11. Benedictus (Gregorian) |
201 |
36 |
12. Gloria
in excelsis Deo
(Gregorian) |
112 |
24 |
13. Gloria in excelsis Deo (Latin) |
113 |
25 |
14. Gloria in excelsis
Deo (Lécot) |
111 |
23 |
15. Gloria in excelsis
Deo (Nativitas) |
115 |
26 |
16. Gloria in excelsis
Deo (Taizé) |
114 |
25 |
17. Laudate, omnes gentes (Taizé) |
703 |
95 |
18. Laus tibi, Christe |
139 |
28 |
Magnificat (Gregorian) |
203 |
38 |
20. Magnificat (Taizé) |
705 |
96 |
21. Misericordias
Domini (Taizé) |
122 |
26 |
22. Mortem tuam (Gregorian) |
161 |
33 |
O Sanctissima (Latin) |
626 |
85 |
24. Oculi nostri (Taizé) |
706 |
96 |
25. Pater noster (Gregorian) |
206 |
41 |
26. Regina Coeli (Gregorian) |
631 |
88 |
27. Salvator mundi (Taizé) |
145 |
29 |
28. Salve, Regina
(Gregorian) |
632 |
89 |
29. Sanctus (De
Angelis) |
152 |
30 |
30. Sanctus (Lécot) |
154 |
31 |
31. Sanctus
(Simplex) |
151 |
30 |
32. Tantum ergo (Latin) |
633 |
90 |
33. Tui amoris ignem
(Taizé) |
635 |
91 |
34. Ubi caritas (Taizé) |
707 |
97 |
35. Veni, Creator Spiritus |
635 |
92 |
Veni, Lumen cordium |
142 |
29 |
1. All creatures
of the earth |
501 |
55 |
2. All people that
on earth do dwell |
504 |
57 |
3. All that we
have (Ault) |
602 |
67 |
4. Alleluia
(Celtic) |
134 |
27 |
5. Alleluia (Seek
ye first) |
133 |
27 |
6. Amazing grace |
604 |
69 |
7. As I kneel
before you |
604 |
69 |
8. Bless, the
Lord, my soul (Taizé) |
701 |
95 |
9. Blest be the
Lord (Benedictus (Farrell) |
202 |
37 |
10. Cantate Domino (Joncas) |
121 |
26 |
Channel of peace (Temple) |
608 |
71 |
Christ who was (Jubilee2000, Lécot) |
612 |
74 |
Christ, be our light (Farrell) |
611 |
73 |
Easter glory fills the sky (Quinn) |
615 |
76 |
15. Gathered in
the love of Christ (Haugen) |
617 |
78 |
16. God is good
all the time (Moen) |
801 |
98 |
17. Hail,
Redeemer, King divine |
305 |
46 |
18. Here
I am, Lord (Schutte) |
618 |
79 |
19. Holy
God, we praise thy name |
509 |
59 |
20. Holy, holy,
holy Lord (Fossati) |
153 |
31 |
21. I am the Bread
of Life (Toolan) |
620 |
80 |
22. In the Lord
I’ll be ever thankful (Taizé) |
620 |
80 |
23. Jesus Christ,
you are my life (Frisina) |
401 |
51 |
24. Jesus, remember
me (Taizé) |
402 |
52 |
25. Joyful, Joyful
we adore Thee (van Dyke) |
621 |
81 |
26. Lord, you have
come (Pescador) |
629 |
87 |
27. Morning has
broken (Farjeon, Gaelic) |
403 |
52 |
28. My soul
glorifies (Magnificat, Welsh) |
204 |
39 |
New songs of celebration |
514 |
61 |
30. No
matter what you do |
404 |
53 |
31. O
Bread of Heaven |
303 |
44 |
32. O God of
loveliness |
304 |
45 |
33. O Lord, hear
our prayer |
146 |
29 |
34. O
Mother blest |
307 |
48 |
One Bread One Body (Foley) |
625 |
84 |
36. Our Father
(Rimsky-Korsakov) |
205 |
40 |
37. Praise to the
Lord, the Almighty |
518 |
64 |
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ |
140 |
28 |
39. Praise, my
soul, the King (Lyle -Goss) |
630 |
88 |
40. Should auld
acquaintance |
803 |
101 |
41. Sing, Alphonsus |
405 |
53 |
42. The Lord hears
the cry of the poor (Foley) |
124 |
26 |
1. (Mi) Alma, bendice
al Señor |
519 |
64 |
2. Cantad naciones al
Señor |
505 |
57 |
3. Cordero de Dios (Missa Chilena) |
184 |
35 |
4. Cristo te necesita
(Gabaráin) |
609 |
72 |
5. Da nos un corazón
(Espinosa) |
613 |
75 |
6. Demos gracias
(Gabaráin) |
614 |
76 |
7. Madre de todos los
hombres (Espinosa) |
624 |
84 |
8. Oh, criaturas del buen Dios |
502 |
56 |
9. Óyenos, mi Dios |
144 |
29 |
Pescador de hombres (Gabaráin) |
628 |
86 |
11. Santo
es el Señor (Mejia) |
155 |
31 |
12. Ved
la Cruz de Salvación |
510 |
59 |
1. Glorwürdge Königin |
309 |
49 |
2. Grosser Gott, wir loben dich |
511 |
60 |
3. Heil‘ger Klemens, schau hernieder |
310 |
50 |
4. Herr, bleibe bei
uns (Canon) |
702 |
95 |
5. Laßt uns erfreuen herzlich sehr |
503 |
56 |
6. Lobe den Herren |
520 |
65 |
7. Lobet und preiset,
ihr Völker (Canon) |
704 |
96 |
8. Nehmt Abschied,
Brüder |
804 |
100 |
9. Nun saget Dank und
lobt |
516 |
62 |
10. O
Lamm Gottes |
185 |
35 |
11. Wer nur den
lieben Gott (Neumark -Bach) |
638 |
93 |
12. Wir preisen
deinen Tod (Canon) |
708 |
97 |
1. Eccomi (Frisina) |
616 |
77 |
2. Il tuo gusto, e non il mio |
302 |
43 |
3. Lodate Dio, schiere beate |
521 |
65 |
4. Noi canteremo gloria a Te |
507 |
58 |
5. O bella mia Speranza |
306 |
47 |
6. Salve, del Ciel Regina |
308 |
49 |
7. Santo (Gen) |
156 |
32 |
8. Te lodiamo, Trinità |
512 |
60 |
9. Tu scendi dalle stelle |
301 |
42 |
Tu sei la mia vita (Symbolum 77) |
634 |
90 |
11. Tutta la terra canti a Dio |
517 |
63 |
1. Cœur nouveau
(Deiss) |
610 |
73 |
2. Entonnons un
nouveau cantique |
515 |
62 |
3. Grand Dieu, nous
te bénissons |
513 |
60 |
4. L’Esprit de Dieu
repose sur moi (Deiss) |
622 |
83 |
5. Les mains ouvertes
(Vercuysse) |
623 |
83 |
6. Nous chanterons
pour toi |
506 |
58 |
7. Pain rompu (Kirbye) |
627 |
85 |
8. Peuples, criez de
joie |
522 |
65 |
9. Souviens-toi
(Deiss) |
162 |
33 |
10. Terre
entière, acclamez Dieu (Deiss) |
123 |
26 |
Vierge sainte (Decha-Roussel) |
637 |
92 |
1. Abri as portas
ao Redentor |
809 |
102 |
2. De aldeia em
aldeia |
806 |
101 |
3. Fonte de águaviva |
808 |
102 |
4. Hino a Santo
Afonso |
807 |
102 |
5. Um dia Afonso |
805 |
101 |
1. Abba, Ojcze (Częstochowa 1991) |
601 |
67 |
2. Głoś Imię Pana |
523 |
66 |
3. Złącz, Panie, miłujących Cię |
508 |
58 |
1. Hevenu shalom alehem |
802 |
99 |